We Biked to Niagara Falls!

Niagara Falls

Holy smokin’ frijoles, how did that happen? Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and back into Canada for the second time on this trip. I can’t believe we just biked to Niagara! I feel like a giant spring coiled in the Midwest and suddenly sproing we’re in New England overnight.

Last Friday night near Cleveland, as if to send us off into the Northeast, there was a gigantic thunderstorm that cleared the slate. We weathered it in the Riders Inn, a B&B 200 years old. The inn featured Underground Railroad tunnels beneath it and tales of hosting soldiers during the war of 1812 told by the salty woman who runs the place. We woke to a new world. Humidity, gone. Temps in the low 70’s beneath blue skies with birds chirping. Fair maidens at picturesque farm stands hand us grapes and frosty-cold beverages along Lake Erie’s coast as if we are royalty.

Vineyards along the shores of Lake Erie.

Vineyards along the shores of Lake Erie.

Now we slow the pace – fewer miles, more days off – to enjoy the scenery and fall colors as they flicker on in orange and red. Hitting New England in September was our plan from the start and we aren’t in a rush, so linger we shall. We are 3,200 miles and 75 days in with about 800 miles to go. We could do that in 15 days if we got after it, but we’re aiming for 30 days. Yessss. As a guy we talked to along the way said, “That doesn’t sound like a vacation, that sounds like work!” Time for more of a vacation feel. Our nerves and energy levels are frayed and beaten down from the last month in the Midwest and I think we’ve earned a respite!

And with that, I’m off to find a barrel so I can launch off the falls. Ciao for now, amigos.


Fresh grapes at a farm stand? Yes please!

Fresh grapes at a farm stand? Yes please!

Fall is on the way!

Fall is on the way!

A full rainbow crests Horseshoe Falls at Niagara.

A full rainbow crests Horseshoe Falls at Niagara to welcome us.

10 replies
  1. Ellen Paullin
    Ellen Paullin says:

    Hello from Hotel Greenfield in Greenfield IA! Am glad to see our favorite bicycling couple has covered a lot of ground since your stay here. THANK YOU for your kind post on yelp…..we sure appreciate the feedback. Looking forward to seeing where you are next. Be safe on your journey. 🙂

    • Dakota Gale
      Dakota Gale says:

      Hey Ellen! Nice to hear from you. Greenfield feels so far away, but it has only been a few short weeks. Amazing how far one can pedal. We are having a splendid time and are glad to be in NY in the fall! Take care and talk to you soon.

  2. Dianne
    Dianne says:

    Great photos. So glad we got to meet you and share breakfast at the B and B in Westfield NY. Our old car made it around Lake Erie and back to Cleveland. Harry & Dianne

    • Dakota Gale
      Dakota Gale says:

      Hi Dianne!

      Fun talking to the two of you. Glad you enjoyed the photos and that your trip around Lake Erie was great! Catch you next time. Have a fantastic time on all the upcoming trips!


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