trail of the hiawatha ebike

My Case For Why Ebikes Rule

trail of the hiawatha ebike
My dad ticking off (rainy) miles on the Trail of the Hiawatha on his Rad Rover ebike.

EBIKES. Some people love them, while others beseech the pope to label them the 8th deadly sin.

I’m a cycling enthusiast (some might slight addict) and don’t personally ride an ebike. However, many people around me do, and I think ebike maligners are missing the potential of electric bicycles.

There’s a place for them, as well as justifiable restrictions. The aim of this post is to add to the developing discussion about their use.

First, three prime uses where ebikes shine.

1. Folks who can’t ride a normal bike for whatever reason (e.g. injury or medical condition)

My dad, who is a hale and hearty 77 years old, underwent knee replacement surgery a few years ago. Even with the repair, he couldn’t rally his old-school mountain bike on the gravel roads of N. Idaho like before.

Ebikes to the rescue. For his birthday last year, I surprised him with a Rad Rover ebike. From barely riding, suddenly he’s pedaling longer miles than before. That’s more hours on the bike leading to better health. Zero issues

For a test, we took his Rad Rover to ride the Trail of the Coeur’d Alene for a few days. He proceeded to smash my quads into submission. We watched moose browse trailside, birds flocked nearby, and we enjoyed excellent outdoor time…all because my dad could ride his ebike and wasn’t relegated to a sedentary lifestyle by an injury.

My dad cruising the Trail of the Couer d’Alene. I’ll convince him to wear a helmet…ohh probably never.

Rather than a knee injury, what about someone with a heart condition who loooves biking, but can no longer do it? Convince me that isn’t a positive use for an ebike, even on a mountain bike trail?

2. Bike commuting versus slowly expiring in a vehicle

So many examples here. My brother, for one. He has kids and a full-time job with a 10-mile commute. He could sit in the car for 40+ minutes each day OR hammer on his Magnum Metro ebike for an hour, most of it on a dedicated bike path. One polluting car removed from traffic, one happy dude getting exercise and clearing his head at the same time.

My friend John used to sit in his car for 1.5 hours a day, grinding his way through Portland’s rush hour traffic. With an ebike, he charges over the steep west hills of PDX and gets a great workout, all in the SAME TIME that he used to drive. (He used the Bafang ebike conversion kit on an old mountain bike.)

Complete no-brainer. I’m (almost) sad to work from home and miss out on ebike commuting.

3. Ebikes level the playing field so riders of different strengths can ride together

Consider this: what if your group ride didn’t need to regroup or wait for slower riders? Everyone rides as hard as they want and still stays together.

Pure roadies will hate this, but let them “enjoy” their elitist Hammer Death Rides. The rest of us shall have more fun!

My close-to-home example: my wife Chelsea. She loves to ride and has pedaled loaded touring bikes across the U.S. and through 15 European countries. However, she’s a slower rider than I am, which (thanks to my VERY occasional inability to be mature and patient) creates stress. No one likes to slow other people down, myself included.

Enter the Trek Allant+ ebike. Now I hammer away like the maniac I am and she stays right with me. I doubt it’s a positive, but she can also truly see my intensity on a bike. (Good thing she can’t see me mountain bike downhill…)

From thousands of feet of climbing on mega-scenic McKenzie Pass, churning up dirt on forest service roads, or pedaling around town, Chelsea is loving her new bike. The idea of bike touring from hotel to hotel (gotta have charging stations) with her on an ebike sounds delightful. And not only because I want her to carry all the heavy stuff…

mckenzie pass
Chelsea enjoying Mckenzie Pass on her Trek Allant ebike.

Additional Ebike Uses

  • Ebikes as grocery and kid haulers around town, and also for spinning to work or a restaurant without arriving sweaty and tired. Numerous friends charge around with toddlers in tow and bags of food attached to the bike. The more people who ride, the more money flowing to bike infrastructure, which can help lower traffic congestion. And emissions, of course.
  • Ebikes as a range extender during van trips. Even for me, lover of long mtb rides, this holds promise. Sayyyy huge days in the Downieville mountains like this Santa Cruz Heckler video? I lack stank in the legs to ride ALL of a destination’s trails on a road trip. Which is ok…but what if my horizon expands to 2x the daily riding without annihilating myself? Intriguing for sure.
  • Another mtb application: ditching the shuttle vehicles that churn up and down fire roads near mountain bike trails. What if those gas-guzzling trucks were replaced by the low whine of a peloton of emtbs cranking uphill? Yes!
  • My friend’s Pam and Bob carry slim Specialized ebikes on the back of their Sprinter van, which allows them to cruise around towns they visit during their travels.

Potential applications go on and on…

For recreation, ebikes are already priced similarly enough to non-motorized bikes. Components and weight don’t matter as much when you’ve got a motor, after all.

For practical applications, the ebike prices are low enough that ditching a car and replacing it with an ebike is a smart investment for many families. A UPS driver told me that he was delivering 8 per day (!) to a nearby hilly neighborhood. That’s momentum.

A Few Caveats

Positivity aside, I don’t support free reign for ebikes. While I’m for electric vehicles in general (motorcycles, cars, trucks, whatever), seeing speeding ebikes or emotorcycles on bike paths or trails isn’t ideal.

Some ebikes are essentially small dirt bikes masquerading as pedal-assist ebikes, which makes for a) dangerous encounters on mountain bike trails and b) potentially shredded trails. Pedal-assist bikes with no throttle, plus speed caps (like Class 1 and Class 3 ebikes) and enforceable penalties are one way to go. Expect to see tons of contentious discussion in the coming years.

Railroad trestle crossing on the Trail of the Couer d’Alene.

There must be a way to make it work! I’m a fan of getting more people off their asses and enjoying the outdoors, motorized assist or not. Yep, even if it means more crowded spaces.

A few checks in the cons column doesn’t dissuade me from thinking ebikes are positive overall. I also understand why people fear opening legislation – suddenly seeing beautiful natural spaces overrun with dirtbikes is not my idea of success in this arena!

Regardless, ebikes are here to stay. Growth is incredible right now (almost 100% in spring 2020) and the bikes keep getting sleeker and lighter with more range. To handle that, we need productive, nuanced discussion, not pitched battles of NO EBIKES vs EBIKES EVERYWHERE.

To all you ebike owners, a simple ask: if you see me sweating up a climb, don’t blow by and smash my ego. Slow down to a conversational pace and say hi to the Bike Luddite.

Then pedal away with a breeze in your hair and a smile on your face while I contemplate why I don’t own an ebike.

Carrying my bike uphill in Graegle, CA. A good potential day for an ebike…
8 replies
  1. Chris Miller
    Chris Miller says:

    Love this! Had no idea they made such things (I’m a hermit, doncha know). Love the picture of you and your dad. Haven’t seen your folks in a long time. Tell them hi for me!
    Chris Miller recently posted…BeautyMy Profile

  2. Go Jules Go
    Go Jules Go says:

    Sooo cool to see your dad crushing it at 77! I think Babs mentioned this to you, but my aunt, who used to road cycle across the country with my uncle, had a number of health issues and eventually got a game-changing e-bike that allowed her to continue riding and keep up with the hammers! In my mind, e-bikes have always seemed like a gift! (But don’t worry. I won’t ask for one for Christmas.)

    Also. I like your idea of video gaming.

    • Dakota
      Dakota says:

      Yeah, Babs mentioned that. Love hearing about people continuing to get after it like that. If you’re still working, what’s the different? Any snobs who poo-poo that can eat poo-poo.

  3. luke sponsler
    luke sponsler says:

    Add me to the ebike commuter team. Pedaling from Old Town San Diego to Imperial Beach took me 90 minutes each way. The hour and half ride home after teaching in a 9 hour day was just brutal. Instead of relaxing me it was stressing me out

    I got an ebike and cut almost cut the ride time in half. 45-55 minutes is totally doable. Now instead of driving 25 minutes in a car each way I’m riding 45 minutes and and loving it. .

  4. Chris@TTL
    Chris@TTL says:

    You’ve reinforced my interest. I just sent this article over to Jenni, too.

    I especially appreciate the focus on helping those who otherwise might not be able to enjoy biking due to some sort of difficulty. Your dad looks like he’s having a ball there! It’d be pretty incredible if I could recreate the same experience with my own father.

    I bookmarked a few of the providers you mentioned for later research. I’ve got an old Gary Fisher hybrid that might be ripe for a fun conversion project.
    Chris@TTL recently posted…The Circle of Control Is a Myth (Choose to Wield Influence!)My Profile

  5. Arthur L. Foley
    Arthur L. Foley says:

    Agree with your opinion! Personally have a Terra Triike Rambler fitted with both NuVinci n380 Transmission and an E.V.O. (electric vehicle option.) accompanied with a spare battery.
    Until the next . . . .
    Art Foley (KB0UWR)


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