Introducing My Nephew Sam

Sam snoozing in his momma's lap at the hospital. Two days old!
My brother Finn and his lovely partner Daya recently brought Sam Xavier Gale into the world in April. Congratulations to the newly-minted parents! We wish them and their new baby the best the world has to offer. Also, a cheers to my parents for their first grandkid and great-grandkid for my grandma.
Finn and Daya are two of the most sincere, loving, and grateful people in our lives and I know they will be amazing parents. Here’s to a new life in their world, a fresh fork in the road for my brother, and the continuing journey of discovery for both of them. We were lucky enough to have the space to fly to Idaho to visit two days after Sam was born to spend some time with everyone. Holding Sam and letting him grip my fingers, it blew me away that my brother and Daya created this little being. I am so proud and happy for them.

Finn and Daya with "The Hungry Caterpillar."
Little Sam, may you live a life true to your heart. A life full of adventure, learning and love. May you travel to expand your mind and also sit still to journey within yourself. Ignore what other people think and do what you want to. I wish I’d taken this to heart years ago: Live a life where you charge toward fear. Acknowledge it. Know the obstacles. And then brandish your skills, rally your energy and live true to who you are. Don’t let others tell you what you should do, simply follow your inner beacon. As Frederick Buecher penned, “Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.”
Sam, here is the world. May you walk on this Earth with the power to do whatever makes you happy and fulfilled to your core. We’re all excited to enjoy the journey with you.
Much love,
Uncle Dakota

Finn in front of the spring blooms on the walk home.

My dad holding the stamped ink imprint of Sam's feet, Daya holding Sam in the top left.

Finn holding the newborn about to leave the hospital.

My bro and proud parents about to walk home with baby Sam!

Giving the new dad a big hug! (Photo credit Chelsea.)

My dad holds the tiny newborn.

Daya's necklace, a gift from her mother, engraved with her baby's name and the slumbering champ himself. (Photo credit Chelsea.)

Sam and Daya enjoy a moment together. 12 days old (same with all below shots). (Photo credit Chelsea)

Hey Sam, that's your dad over there!

Look at those eyes! (Photo credit Chelsea.)

Daya and Sam enjoying a moment together. (Photo credit Chelsea.)

Sam with very curious eyes. He's a sharp little guy! (Photo credit Chelsea.)

Baby Sam knows how to yawn! (Photo credit Chelsea.)

Sam taking in some air. (Photo credit Chelsea.)