Taking It Slow

Traveling is a rush. It's easy to get wrapped up in "go go go." I've done it, both internationally and in the U.S., almost every time I journey somewhere. Places to see, people to visit - onward! That doesn't leave much room for clarity and introspection to occur, just a constant rush of food, new friends, and fresh experiences.
A big part of this trip is wanting to take things as they come, with as little agenda as possible. Rather than already being down in the redwoods as planned, we are still near Bandon, posted up in a cabin on a lake with the Milky Way stenciled brightly above and a roaring fire in the brick fireplace. There's a canoe nestled up next to the dock, and a flock of geese that honks over the glassy water every morning. In short, it's the reason we are out here exploring. The perfect place to knock out some work, go running, walk the beach and do some reading and writing by the fire.

Another day at the office. Pacing and talking on the phone with a client.
We're here because Chelsea is the anti-plastic crusader in our little sphere and the aforementioned Washed Ashore project inspired us to contribute. We're here because usually our lives push us ever-forward with little time for reflection, and the last few crazy months had zero breathing room. Nothing like watching the snapping flame of burning wood to recenter and breathe in, breathe out. I rarely carve out time to meditate, and this feels like where I need to be right now.
I know this won't last forever, and that tomorrow morning the multitude of emails and phone calls I get every day will start rolling in. All part of the weekly work cycle. It's the rhythmic waves on the beach at sunset and the sparkling stars that remind me why nature and embracing that feeling of "this is where I need to be right now" is so important.
I hope you're able to disconnect here and there this week and enjoy the last few days of November before winter sets in. It's hard to do, just like everything important and necessary. Time to slow down and enjoy a walk with family, or a talk with a good friend you've not spoken to in a long time. I've felt the positive energy from it already, and I bet you will too.
From our home away from home,